the KING: Sahisal AZWAN bin Mat Said
dob: April 24th, 1972
zodiac: Taurus (year: rat)
pob: Perak
used to leave in: Shah Alam, Jalan Ipoh, Selayang
primary school:
1. Sekolah Rendah Kebangsaan 1, Jalan Ipoh
standard: 1-4
2. Sekolah Rendah Kebangsaan Subang Jaya, Subang Jaya
standard: 5-6
secondary school: Sekolah Menengah Maxwell
nick name: Wan, Azwan, MAT
the QUEEN: WAN MaZILA bt Safein @ Md Zain
dob: November 2nd, 1976
zodiac: Scorpio (year: Dragon)
pob: Pantai Dalam, Kuala Lumpur
used to leave in: Pantai Dalam, Shah Alam
primary school: Sekolah Rendah Kebangsaan Sri Petaling,
Petaling Jaya, Selangor
teacher: can't remember anyone!! too bad too old to remember!
friends: Putri Jumaat, Shahrul and the rest can't remember but the
story and faces still remain in my brain!
memories: we always play in the longkang at the corner of the field.
play getah lompat-lompat, went to Putri Jumaat house without parents realise and sleept there a night till father came and
look for me but I dont know where did my father get the address, go back kena rotan kow-kow!! and also went to my friends
(2-can't remember thier name!) house at sungai buloh (that time macam nak balik kampung jalan teruk) and again kena bantai
teruk from my dad! hahah and still remember Putri come to school when she was really sick till lips dried badly. I also remember
I admired Shahrul that time (perasan!! girls always do that!) but feel so sick one day I came to school with tudung, 1st day
wearing tudung but Shahrul pull off my tudung, I feel sad and shame runs quickly into toilet and refuse to come out untill
school ends!. hahhaha I hate him that moment but now become a sweet memories. 1 more sweet memories was when I join my friedns
to perform singing & dancing but the day we perform, my friends boikot me!! hahha coz I'm not pretty I think!!! hahhahahha..
jokes man!!
secondary school: Sekolah Menengah (P) Taman Petaling a.k.a Jungle School,
Bukit Gasing, Petaling Jaya, Selangor
teachers: can't remember any!
friends: Siti Fairuze, Mazlinda, Nizah, Roslina, Jaida, Intan (my
very best friend), Rusfizah and lot more which I can't remember! I'm not that old to forget but I just can't remember! hahha
memories: too many! incluidng spirit of coint. girls things.. admired
new kids on the block, 4U2C (my friends like this group so much), perfume body shop (so famous that time), magazine: smash
hit.. all about new kids on the block!, X bra!! hahhaha all rich friends wear it but I'm not rich I am millionair thats why
I dont have what most people have!! hahhah
nick name: WAN, one two three, (family: DIAH)
PRINCESS: Nur aMYRA Zulaikha
dob: August 28th, 1997
zodiac: Virgo (year: Cow)
pob: Assunta Hospital, Petaling Jaya, Selangor
used to leave in: Pantai Dalam, Shah Alam
primary school:
1.Sekolah Rendah Kebangsaan Kampung Subang,
Kampung Melayu Subang, Shah Alam
standard: 1- 4 (2007)
teachers: Pn Ros Abidah (maths-4, garang!)
friends: Syafiqah (pandai lukis!)
2. Sekolah Rendah Kebangsaan Kesuma,
Branang, Selangor
standard: 5 - 6 (2009)
teachers: Pn Khaliza (math-4), Pn Najmiyah (sains-6), Pn Salina
(maths-6), En Manap (bm-5), Ustaz Roslan (agama-6, baiikk sangat!), Cikgu Syafiq (mentor-6, best & cool!), Cikgu Zahari
(paling hensemm di sekolah!!)
friends: Irdina(best friend but previously they fight, tak nak kawan
but now change alreadylah!!), Yusrah (best friend-last time merajuk, macam tak nak kawan but now ok dah, girls things!), Aida,
Shasha, Sarah, Afifah, Aisya, Husna, Ezyan
secondary school: -
nick name: Myra, Mira, Amy
PRINCESS (Junior): Azwanila MAYA
dob: July 1st, 2004
zodiac: cancer (year: Monkey)
pob: Shah Alam, Selangor
used to leave in: Shah Alam
Pre School: Smart Readers, Taman Pelangi Semenyih, Semenyih, Selangor
teachers: Teacher Talib, Fazikah/Fasikah (sorry Maya not able to
pronounce), Teacher Zaleha.
friends: hawa (everyday mentioned this name), Yaya (ya' this one
too!, Qistina (bollywood dancer at school!!)
primary school: -
secondary school: -
nick name: Maya, Kontot, Gemuk, Ayam
Taking a break from work
What a job!
I might describe my job in a little more detail here. I'll write about what I do, what I like best about it, and even some
of the frustrations. (A job with frustrations? Hard to believe, huh?)
Extra !
Get to know the Queen FAMILY TREE ! by clicking into below link;
Here's a list of some of our favorite movies:
the King;
English: Braveheart
the Queen; English: 10 things I hate about you (dedicated to KING), My best friend wedding, runnaway
bride, Mr & Mrs Smith
Malay: Zombi Kampung Pisang,
1. Celine Dion, Meriah Carrey, Rihana, Alisha Key, Whitney Houston
Here's a list of some of our neighbours:
Kesuma Lakes:
1. Abang Kamal & Kak Ann -Mira, Farid, etc
2. Haron & family -Atiah and baby
3. Nasri & family -Dayana and etc
4. Amin & Sue (nursery kesuma lake) -Shasha, etc
5. Azhar and family (insurance agent) -
6. Kak Yan and family -
7. Nasri and family (webmaster Kesuma) -
8. Fadhil & family -noni & baby
Shah Alam,
1. Chue & family (azwan auntie)
2. Che Besah & family
King Azwan and Princess Maya |

Queen Zila, Princess Maya & Princess Myra |

Queen Zila & Princess Maya |

Princess Myra |

Princess Maya |
